CHC is excited to announce it’s new brand look and website.
As CHC continues to grow we are faced with new and exciting challenges everyday. A year ago we came to the realization that we had fallen behind the curve when it came to our website not only in it’s user experience and look but we also had a security breach. It was at that point that we decided we needed to really put some effort into our digital presence.
We wanted a website that would attract new customers, be easy to use, and really make it a one stop shop for all resources our customers look for. But that isn’t all, we also wanted to attract the best manufacturers to the site, and of course most of all have a site that our employees could be proud and excited to share with their friends and families.
When starting to modernize and update the website we started thinking about our brand presence as well, and decided to take the leap and make a change. Holding tight to teamwork and first class customer service as key components we wanted to have translated in our new look, we began the process of building our new logo. As many people who have been through a company re-brand know, it is not an easy thing to do. CHC has a great history and it was difficult to let go of something that signifies that history, so making sure the new logo could encompass the history and the future were key to it’s design.
As you look through the website, and get to see our new brand look, we hope you find the site easy to use, the new brand great to look at, and are able to get an insider view of our culture here at CHC.
With the new logo anchored in our core values, we look forward to the future with our customers, employees, and manufacturer partners, current and new.