CHC California
Serving Northern California & NW Nevada
CHC California was founded in 1957 and services all of Northern California from the Kern County line just north of San Luis Obispo and Bakersfield. Our California Hydronics Division is proud to represent the leading industry manufacturers.

CHC Columbia
Serving Alaska, Las Vegas, Oregon & Washington
CHC expanded into the Pacific Northwest in 2001 after purchasing a well-known, previously established manufacturers’ representative in Portland, Oregon—thereby expanding coverage to Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. Our Columbia division is proud to also represents the great state of Nevada with offices in the cities of Reno and Las Vegas. Operating as Columbia Hydronics Company and based out of Vancouver, Washington, our Columbia Hydronics Division represents the leading industry manufacturers.

CHC Pacific
Serving Guam, Federated States of Micronesia, South Pacific, US Military installations in Japan & South Korea
In 2009, CHC expanded beyond the US borders with the introduction of CHC Pacific. CHC Pacific markets and supplies products for overseas projects concentrating in Guam and US military installations in Japan and South Korea. CHC Pacific represents the majority of lines that the California and Columbia divisions offer.

FlowTherm is a manufacturer of complete packaged systems for mechanical, plumbing, and process systems. Featuring high-quality systems to meet your needs, assembled and mounted onto a structural steel frame for easy rigging—FlowTherm has designed and manufactured more than 4000 equipment packages that have been installed throughout the US and overseas.