We are proud to announce the addition of

to the CHC family of top performing products.
We are excited to announce our new partnership with Q-PAC, an innovative brand of EC motor fan systems, in our Northern California Territories. The addition of the Q-PAC line will provide a new technology offering from CHC for newly designed construction, retrofit projects and custom needs in the air handling space.
St. Petersburg, FL. – Franklin Templeton
“I am so impressed with how smooth and quiet the Q-PAC fans are, even at maximum RPM. It has been seven months since this fan system has been in operation and I am very happy with this fan replacement solution”. – Michael Coleman
Learn More about this project by clicking HERE.

This new partnership between CHC and Q-PAC brings a line of high performance products to our customers, continuing the expansion of the line of premier products we represent and the depth of product expertise we can provide.
Want to know more about Q-PAC? Watch this informative company video below:

CHC represents Q-PAC in the Northern California counties highlighted below.
Consider Q-PAC for your new project design or choose Q-PAC
for your air handler upgrade/replacement/retrofit needs.
Click below to learn more.